Melba Dawn Hughes
MARCH 5, 1940 - JANUARY 31, 2019
I am sure by now most of you are aware that Ms Melba passed away Thursday, Jan. 31. She fought a good fight following major surgery approximately two months ago. To say that Dr. Nell, all of us at DE, and many others will miss her is a vast understatement. A huge void is felt now, and will be felt for years to come.
You may not know that Melba worked for Dr. Sid and Dr. Nell for over a half century. During those years she wore many hats, from bookkeeper to filling orders for Sinel Publishing to being apartment manager for an apartment complex the Williams owned, for years she was Dr. Nell’s personal hair dresser, and for the last twenty five or thirty years as DE’s Secretary in charge of Registration and other meeting planning activities. Melba loved the Williams, loved Chiropractic, and loved her work.
Melba also had a crusty side and would not necessarily be described as the sweetest person you ever met. Once introduced to you, in about thirty seconds she would have you sized up in one or two ways, either she liked you immediately or you were suspect. After working alongside her for all these many years, I’m still not sure how she viewed me. As Dr. Mike O’Halleran said, she was a Georgia Peach, salty at times.
Yes, walking up to DE registration in the future will not be the same without seeing Melba and interacting with her. We have loved Melba while she was there and will forever love the memories of her until it is our time to leave this world behind. Heaven awaits those that love God and are called according to his purpose.
-D. D. Humber, D. C.